Jeannine Walston provides high-quality consulting services for myriad clients, including non-profits, hospitals, clinics, practitioners, companies, businesses, and other places.
Explore this information that provides specifics as a consultant.
- Website Reviews & Recommendations
- Write and Edit Website Content
- Presentations and Speeches (in-person & virtually)
- Business Development Plans & Actions to Advance Success
- Create Websites
- Marketing
- Blogs, Articles, and Chapters
- Newsletters
- Social Media, including Facebook Ads and Google AdWords
- Videos, including YouTube Ads
- Other Educational & Marketing Materials
- Press Releases
- Interviews
- Storytelling
- Reports
- Advocacy
- Lobbying
If you are interested in these services, please contact Jeannine Walston.
- Optimal Health & Healing
- Cancer
- Cancer survivorship
- Integrative Cancer Care for the Whole Person
- Integrative Whole Person Health and Wellness
- Self-care and self-advocacy
- Body, mind, spirit
- Mental and emotional well-being
- Mindset
- Social support
- Spirituality
- Meaning and purpose
- Health, Wellness, Lifestyle
Some Details
Integrative Cancer Care
The popularity of integrative cancer care requires more comprehensive, reliable information for cancer patients, caregivers, and providers to improve education, self-care, self-advocacy, and quality decision-making. Studies indicate that integrative cancer care improves quality of life, cancer survival, and cancer prevention. Consulting work focuses on these areas.
Health and Wellness
Expanded integrative approaches improve health and wellness. Transformations occur for the whole person, including body, mind, spirit, and other vital aspects. My consulting work incorporates profound knowledge and depth with the capacity to deliver success.
Patient Stories
Consulting work with patients provides human behavior through stories about the healthcare journeys of real people. Human-interest stories can make a lasting impression. Services describe situations locally, in a state, nationally, or elsewhere globally.
Medical research involves the scientific method. Millions to billions of dollars are spent each year to evaluate hypotheses in basic and clinical testing, yet many research findings translated into accessible information do not reach the general public. Consumers need better access to lay interpretations of research findings as they become increasingly empowered to participate in health care decision-making. I convey medical findings in an accessible and balanced manner, and clearly describe the research process for average consumers. Too often, medical stories contain hype and do not emphasize valuable consumer information available from research. My roles include skillful analysis, synthesis, and translations of medical information into both technical and consumer-friendly formats. I also do other types of research in general and based on needs.
Health care involves art with science. Tremendous variability exists among practices and professionals. More benefits also occur with improvements in health and wellness, lifestyle, and other practice skills. Consulting work varies based on interest.
Contact Jeannine Walston about consulting work services.