My sister, Jeannine Walston, had her third awake brain surgery this week on Tuesday by Linda Liau, MD, PhD at UCLA. I am thrilled to tell you that Jeannine is doing extremely well!
My sister, Jeannine Walston, had her third awake brain surgery this week on Tuesday by Linda Liau, MD, PhD at UCLA. I am thrilled to tell you that Jeannine is doing extremely well!
In 2006 through a chapter when I dealt with fear around cancer, I addressed some of my edges. Spirit spoke to me and literally downloaded the following with insights and inspiration, guidance and glory. Now through preparation into today for my third awake brain surgery tomorrow, spirit instructed me to these messages with support to love, light, and freedom. I share it with all of you.
Since I began my cancer journey diagnosed in March of 1998, my cancer story has taught me a tremendous amount about how to become my own cancer navigator. I’ve had many twists and turns, ups and downs, pain and glory. So far that has included two awake brain surgeries plus hundreds of integrative cancer therapies. Now, in November of 2013, I’m preparing for my third awake brain surgery. Here I share what has happened recently, where I’ve been and I’m going, and new profound knowledge for quality cancer care.
Paths to optimal health and healing can be achieved through so many routes. Fortunately there are specific ways to heal through cancer. Kelly Turner, PhD and her incredible The Radical Remission Project shows powerful therapies to do that. Dr. Turner interviews me in this video where I briefly share my cancer story and then explain key actions for healing, including aspects of integrative cancer care.
Dealing with cancer no doubt intensifies levels of stress. Fear of uncertainty, physical concern and even discomfort, financial distress, changes in routines, life patterns, relationships, and many other components sometimes push cancer patients and also caregivers to an edge. What supports cancer patients through their journey? Resources strengthen and sustain people through life challenges. Along with receiving support from family, friends, and providers, people with cancer need to give to themselves with self-care.
Cancer. Even after 15 years on my own healing journey, I continue to learn more about healing through cancer. No doubt, a cancer diagnosis creates a new world for quality decisions to navigate in the process. As the healing map becomes developed, and the route further evolves with various chapters of the journey, these best top tips help people navigate through cancer.
Life is a healing journey with or without cancer. For those who face the disease, the experience often requires new internal aspects of self with transformation. For most, the healing process requires time, new knowledge, insights, actions, and change. The threat from cancer can be a motivator. Chaos can push people into faster and fuller processes. Challenges become opportunities.
The wisdom is clear. No secrets. Yet too many people don’t know the truths. For people with cancer creating a map toward optimal health and healing, key components must address the whole person.
Without quality assistance, finding the best cancer information and decisions is not easy. To navigate through overwhelm and confusion about not knowing where to go or what to do, cancer patients need to create a map and then travel into their optimal health and healing.
Healing requires a commitment with care to the whole person. Everything is a choice. Cancer provides opportunities for better decisions and steps to create the most optimal health and healing. Life best comes from quality knowledge and actions. Learn about a foundation that must be developed and maintained.
Healing light through family members and steps in my healing journey. Features about my favorites kids- my nephew James and nieces Anna and Mae.