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10 Commitments to Yourself Through Cancer

By Jeannine Walston  |   May - 8 - 2013  |  

Commitments to CancerHealing requires a commitment with care to the whole person. Everything is a choice. Cancer provides opportunities for better decisions and steps to create the most optimal health and healing.

Life best comes from quality knowledge and actions. A foundation must be developed and maintained. Here are 10 commitments for your-Self through cancer.

1. Eat healthy foods. You will feel better with more vitality and increase your survival.

2. Avoid unhealthy foods and drinks. They have negative side effects to the mind, energy in the body, social connections, and other aspects of the heart, soul, and spirit. Plus they are related to health problems like cancer.

3. Sleep at least 8 hours and more when you need it. Without sleep, the brain, body, and being cannot work well with blurs, bumps, blocks, and blues from tiredness. Optimal sleep supports your circadian rhythms providing tremendous health benefits, including with cancer.

4. Think positive thoughts. Transform negative thoughts. Explore your beliefs, and develop more self-knowledge about your relationship with your thoughts and feelings.

5. Meditate. Give yourself daily meditation for silence and stillness.

6. Connect with your tribe. Surround yourself with people who have true hearts and souls. Strengthen your integrity, including some to help you learn from.

7. Do what you love. Look within and define your passions. Spend time doing what gives you joy.

8. Deepen your relationship with religion and/or spirituality.

9. Find your purpose. Evaluate with thoughtfulness and a broad stroke. Connect the dots with who you really are. Learn yourself and services. Maintain your commitment to your work in the world.

10. Love yourself. The most fundamental, essential dimension to your health and healing requires loving yourself. Love heals the holes into the whole.

Where are you in your journey? Maintaining quality commitments to your-Self always supports your optimal health and healing. The cycles continue. Go deeper to help yourself. There is always more to improve, learn, move through, and evolve with. Tend to yourself.