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Top Rated Cancer Information

By Jeannine Walston

Top Rated Cancer Info 2Educate and empower yourself with top-rated cancer information about integrative cancer care. Discover resources to make informed decisions, choose the best possible treatment plan for quality of life and cancer survival, and optimally care for your wellness through an integrative cancer care plan. Some of the categories in Top Rated Cancer Information are separated into conventional cancer care and integrative cancer care. Explore Top Rated Cancer Information for comprehensive resources.

United States

  • Conventional Cancer Facilities and Oncologists
  • Conventional Cancer Treatments and Related Resources 
  • Integrative Cancer Health and Healing Resources
  • Cancer Drugs, Vitamins, Supplements and Herbs
  • Cancer Survivorship
  • Cancer and Environment
  • Cancer Audio Video Resources


  • Cancer Resources Australia
  • Integrative Cancer Care Resources Australia


  • Cancer Resources Canada


  • Cancer Resources Europe
  • Integrative Cancer Care Resources Europe
  • Cancer and Environment Europe

United States:

Conventional Cancer Facilities and Oncologists

NCI-Designated Cancer Centers across the US delivers some cutting-edge conventional cancer treatments by scientific excellence and the capacity to integrate a diversity of research approaches.

American Society of Clinical Oncology’s Find an Oncologist offers oncologist-approved cancer information with resources about where and how to find an oncologist.

American Board of Medical Specialties lists physician’s board certification.

American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer maintains lists of board-certified surgeons and their specialties.

American Medical Association provides information about doctor licensure, training, and history of disciplinary action through state medical boards.

Castle Connolly rates top doctors and hospitals.

Conventional Cancer Treatments and Related Resources

Step 1: Start your research into conventional cancer treatments through the following resources in Top Rated Cancer Information.

National Cancer Institute (NCI)

  • NCI’s Physician Data Query (PDQ) Database features NCI’s comprehensive cancer database with cancer information containing peer-reviewed summaries updated every 6 months on cancer treatment, screening, prevention, supportive care, and complementary and alternative medicine.
  • NCI’s Cancer Information Services provides assistance through cancer information specialists with information about NCI cancer resources.

American Society of Clinical Oncology’s Cancer.Net provides extensive information about cancer types and treatments, other factors related to the disease, publications, cancer news, and other resources.

American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) is a professional association for oncologists. ASCO’s website offers a portal to cancer information, including recent clinical cancer research results presented at ASCO meetings with some studies not in medical journals. ASCO publishes the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

National Comprehensive Cancer Network’s Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology establishes standard of care treatment guidelines for cancer.

PubMed provides a free online database with published research from medical journals offering an excellent resource to collect research results with scientific information about cancer. Learn more about PubMed and other cancer research resources in Locating Cancer Research Studies on PubMed and Other Resources.

You can learn about other ways for molecular and genomic testing, as well as chemosensitivity testing, through a Cancer Coach.

Cancer treatment clinical trials are research studies in people offering experimental therapies. Explore searchable databases to research cancer clinical trials. You can also learn more about clinical trials in Cancer Clinical Trials.

Non-Profit Organizations specializing in specific types of cancer provide important educational resources, including publications about symptoms, types of cancer, treatments, recovery, and other aspects of the cancer journey, and sometimes hospitals, oncologists, and clinical trials. Cancer specific non-profit organizations are not listed here. If you have not already, locate these organizations through Internet searches and resources with lists or directories of cancer specific non-profits.

Step 2: Continue your research into conventional cancer treatments and conventional cancer care through exploring the following resources. Additional information about conventional cancer drugs are listed in Top Rated Cancer Information below called Cancer Drugs, Herbs, and Supplements.

American Association of Cancer Research hosts an annual meeting featuring the latest research findings in preclinical (lab and animal) cancer research.

American Cancer Society provides a range of cancer resources.

CancerCare offers free services from professional oncology social workers, including counseling and support groups, education, financial assistance, and practical help.

Cancer Information and Support Network offer information about diagnoses, cancers, survivorship, research, advocacy, and other resources.

Cancer Support Community offers information about cancer, survivorship, caregiving, and related topics.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides information about preventing and controlling cancer.

Chemocare provides information about chemotherapy, including specific drugs, managing side effects, diet, and care before and after chemotherapy.

The Cochrane Collaboration provides systematic reviews of the evidence of health care interventions such as cancer.

Cure Today is a magazine focusing on topics about the science of cancer and aspects of the disease experience.

Food and Drug Administration oversees the safety and efficacy of cancer drugs, biological products, and devices.

MedlinePlus features information on health topics such as cancer.

Medscape Oncology has cancer information articles with cancer news.

National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship features cancer resources and advocacy information.

Oncolink presents information about specific types of cancer, updates on cancer treatments, and news about research advances.

OncologySTAT offers information about timely cancer news with articles.

PhRMA provides information about newly approved medicines and drugs in development by pharmaceutical companies.

UpToDate provides evidence-based peer reviewed information on health topics such as cancer.

Integrative Cancer Health and Healing Resources

These are optimal resources to find integrative cancer providers.

American Association of Naturopathic Physicians explains naturopathic medicine, a distinct system of primary health care-an art, science and practice of preventing, diagnosing and treating conditions of the human mind and body.

Oncology Association of Naturopathic Physicians (OncANP) shares information about naturopathic oncology and helps people find a naturopathic physician.

Institute for Functional Medicine has membership providers offering personalized medicine that deals with primary prevention and underlying causes instead of symptoms for serious chronic diseases, including cancer. Their site also provides a search for a functional medicine doctor.

Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine joins doctors, providers, and others with conferences, training, other forms of education, membership, finding a provider, and other important work.

American College for Advancement in Medicine lists integrative medicine providers.

American Osteopathic Association shares a search for an osteopath in your area, as well as to explain an osteopathic physician (DO).

Cancer Coach can help cancer patients navigate through their process with quality decision-making of cancer treatments and providers.

These are other quality integrative cancer health and healing resources.

Alternative Therapies in Health & Medicine is a peer-reviewed scientific journal about alternative therapies.

American Association of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine explains their medicine and provides a search of providers for acupuncture & Oriental Medicine (OM).

Annie Appleseed Project has extensive information about complementary and alternative medicine for cancer along with their annual conference on the topic led by Ann Fonfa, a breast cancer survivor.

Breast Cancer Options educates breast cancer patients about effective treatment options, to advocate for and support informed patient choice and to promote public awareness regarding cancer risk reduction.

The Bravewell Collaborative has a number of initiatives focused on returning healing into medicine through an integrative model and educational materials.

CAM on PubMed limits literature searches to the complementary and alternative medicine subset in the National Library of Medicine’s PubMed.

Center for Advancement in Cancer Education provide cancer information, counseling, and referral non-profit organization focusing on combining the body’s natural healing potential with advances in medical science.

Center for Mind-Body Medicine has information about their CancerGuides, Mind-Body Medicine, and Food as Medicine training programs, and other work led by James S. Gordon, MD.

The Cochrane Collaborative Cochrane Reviews Complementary Medicine Field includes cancer studies by Cochrane Review.

Commonweal is the home of many non-profit organizations focused on health and environmental issues, including the Commonweal Cancer Help Program and the Collaborative on Health and the Environment, led by Michael Lerner, PhD with resources and information related to cancer such as a full online version of Dr. Lerner’s book Choices in Healing.

The Empowered Patient Coalition was created by patient advocates devoted to helping the public improve the quality and the safety of their healthcare. The coalition feels strongly that the first crucial steps in both patient empowerment and patient safety efforts are information and education. The public is increasingly aware that they must assume a greater role in health care issues but they need tools, strategies and support to assist them in becoming informed and engaged medical consumers who are able to make a positive impact on health care safety.

Healing Journeys organizes workshops and retreats for people affected by cancer to support aspects of the whole person.

Integrative Cancer Therapies is a peer-reviewed scientific journal about integrative cancer therapies.

International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology focuses their work on clean oral and dental work plus share a list of providers.

Jeannine Walston gives extensive integrative cancer care for the whole person education and advocacy through articles, blogs, videos, and services as a Cancer Coach, Writer & Consultant, and Speaker.

Kris Carr features a tremendous amount of resources, including films, books, blogs, and events, about wellness with an emphasis on nutrition and lifestyle changes for the whole person to support optimal health and vitality.

Mayo Clinic provides articles and fact sheets about complementary and alternative medicine.

MedlinePlus provides information about some components of integrative health care, including their section Drugs, Supplements, and Herbal Information.

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Integrative Medicine provides evidence-based information about herbs, botanicals, other products, and a supplements database.

National Cancer Institute’s Office of Cancer Complementary and Integrative Health funds research and explains the activities of the National Cancer Institute in the arena of complementary and integrative health, including a list of research.

National Cancer Institute’s PDQ Complementary and Integrative Health Summaries provides fact sheets and other educational materials about complementary and alternative medicine.

National Institutes of Health’s National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health provides educational materials and other resources about complementary and integrative health.

Personalized Lifestyle Medicine Institute works to reduce the global burden of chronic illness through the incorporation of personalized lifestyle medicine in the delivery of health care.

Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine has information about dietary and lifestyle interventions for cancer and other health issues.

Pine Street Foundation has a series of articles empowering patients to become more informed and make better decisions such as Becoming Your Own Advocate .

Preventive Medicine Research Institute features scientific research by Dean Ornish, MD investigating the effects of diet and lifestyle choices on health and disease, including cancer. Program sites are listed for Dr. Ornish’s Spectrum Lifestyle Program teaching people how to take personal responsibility for their health.

Smart Publications clarifies the complex world of nutrition science through reviewing and analyzing thousands of scientific studies per year succinctly capturing and summarizing the results of studies for their website updates, monthly newsletter, as well as other online resources and publications.

Society for Integrative Oncology is a membership organization primarily comprised of integrative oncology professionals.

More Integrative Cancer Health and Healing Resources are provided in the following sections.

Cancer Drugs, Vitamins, Supplements and Herbs

Please also see the section listed above for cancer drug information called Conventional Cancer Treatments and Related Resources.

American Botanical Council provides herbal medicine information.

American Herbal Pharmacopoeia promotes the responsible use of herbal medicines with the highest possible degree of efficacy and safety through the development of standards of identity, purity, and analysis in monographs, textbooks, other educational materials, and events.

Anticancer: A New Way of Life by David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD covers natural methods of health care that reduce cancer risk and support cancer treatments.

ConsumerLab provides independent test results and information on health and nutritional products.

Definitive Guide to Cancer, 3rd Edition: An Integrative Approach to Prevention, Treatment, and Healing by Lise Alschuler, ND and Karolyn Gazella, chapter Nutrient and Herb Interactions with Conventional Cancer Treatments, provides information about contraindications between drugs, herbs, and supplements.

DrugDigest offers an evidence-based, consumer health and drug information resource with information toward informed choices about drugs with a database of some interactions.

Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supplements by Michael T. Murray

Epocrates offers clinical information and decision support tools about drugs, interactions, and related topics used by many healthcare professionals.

Herb Drug Interactions in Oncology, 2nd Edition by Barrie Cassileth

Herbmed Database offers a database with scientific information about herbs.

The Herbs Society of America provides education about herbs.

Linus Pauling Institute provides information about vitamins, minerals, other nutrients, dietary phytochemicals, and some foods.

MedlinePlus Drugs, Supplements, and Herbal Information offers information about drug, supplements, and herbs.

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health Herbs at a Glance offers facts sheets about specific herbs and botanicals.

National Institutes of Health’s Office of Dietary Supplements offers information about dietary supplement use and safety as well as other resources such as fact sheets and a database.

Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database provides evidence-based clinical information on natural medicines, including potential interactions with drugs.

Natural Standards provides evidence-based information about complementary and alternative therapies.

PDR for Herbal Medicines 4th Edition by Thomson Healthcare

PDR for Nutritional Supplements 2nd Edition by Sheldon Hendler, PhD, MD, and David Rorvik

Cancer Survivorship

American Society of Clinical Oncology’s Cancer.Net Survivorship provides information and resources about cancer survivorship.

Cancer Information and Support Network Survivorship Section offers educational information about stages, relationships, emotions, a wellness plan, follow-up care, transitions, and the workplace.

Children’s Oncology Group Survivorship Guidelines contains long-term follow up guidelines for survivors of childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancers.

Institute of Medicine Cancer Survivorship Care includes elements of a survivorship care plan and questions survivors should ask.

Journey Forward supports cancer survivors and their doctors working as a team after active treatment through tools and resources provided in an online program.

National Cancer Institute’s Facing Forward: Life After Cancer Treatment contains information about cancer survivorship.

National Cancer Institute’s Office of Cancer Survivorship provides survivor information about follow-up medical care after treatment, possible late effects of treatment, health and well-being after treatment, support, cancer survivorship research, and their other activities.

National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship’s Cancer Survival Toolbox discusses a number of important issues that are specific to life beyond the diagnosis and initial treatment of cancer.

Cancer and Environment

Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry has information about some toxic substances.

Association of Occupational and Environmental Clinics is a network of more than 60 clinics and more than 250 individuals committed to improving the practice of occupational and environmental medicine through information sharing and collaborative research.

Breast Cancer Fund identifies—and advocates for the elimination of—the environmental and other preventable causes of the disease.

Campaign for Safer Cosmetics is a coalition effort to protect the health of consumers and workers by securing the corporate, regulatory and legislative reforms necessary to eliminate dangerous chemicals from cosmetics and personal care products.

Cancer Prevention Coalition fights for a safer environment at home, in the community, and at work to reduce escalating cancer rates through a comprehensive strategy of outreach, public education, advocacy, and public policy initiatives to establish prevention as the nation’s foremost cancer policy.

Collaborative on Health and the Environment provides resources and collaborative efforts regarding environmental factors impacting human health, including cancer.

Environmental Health Trust educates individuals, health professionals and communities about controllable environmental health risks and policy changes needed to reduce those risks.

Environmental Working Group offers many areas of information about the environment, toxins, and human health.

Health Care Without Harm works toward a vision of a health care sector that does not harm, and instead promotes the health of people and the environment.

PAN (Pesticide Action Network) Pesticide Database has information about toxicity and regulatory information for pesticides.

Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families coalition represents more than 11 million individuals and includes parents, health professionals, advocates for people with learning and developmental disabilities, reproductive health advocates, environmentalists and businesses from across the nation united by their common concern about toxic chemicals in our homes, places of work, and products we use every day. 

Science & Environmental Health Network offers information regarding ecological medicine, the precautionary principle, the application of accurate science, and sound environmental policies.

Scorecard The Pollution Information Site focuses on pollution problems and toxic chemicals. Find out about the pollution problems in your community and learn who is responsible. See which geographic areas and companies have the worst pollution records. Identify which racial/ethnic and income groups bear more than their share of environmental burdens. Then take action as an informed citizen – you can fax a polluting company, contact your elected representatives, or get involved in your community.

Cancer Audio and Video Resources

Cancer Prevention and Care
 David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD, author of Anticancer: A New Way of Life, delivers a one hour lecture at MD Anderson in July 209 about his book.

Using Natural Defense in Cancer Prevention and Care

Integrative Oncology
 Simms/Mann UCLA Center for Integrative Oncology has videos and article summaries from lectures offered as part of their Insights into Cancer lecture series.

Insights into Cancer

Integrative Medicine: Science and Environmental Health
 Dean Ornish, MD, presented to the Collaborative for Health and the Environment in March 2009.

Integrative Medicine: The State of the Science and Its Interface with Environmental Health: A Conversation with Dean Ornish, MD

Guided Meditation
 Jim Gordon, MD, teaches a slow deep-breathing technique called Soft Belly.

Soft Belly: a Four Minute Practice in Relaxation


Cancer Resources Australia

Cancer Australia is committed to ensuring national cancer control prevention, treatment and care that is evidence-based. Consumer information and support is available through Cancer Australia.

Cancer Council Australia advises the Australian Government and other bodies on practices and policies to help prevent, detect and treat cancer. We also advocate for the rights of cancer patients for the best treatment and supportive care.

Integrative Cancer Care Resources Australia

Cancer Support Association provides information resources, support services and learning opportunities for healing and for the prevention of lifestyle diseases, and helps individuals make informed decisions about wellness and health so they gain a greater sense of control over their lives.

The Quest for Life Foundation provides resources, seminars and residential programs educating, inspiring, and encouraging people affected by cancer and other challenges to make meaning of their circumstances and actively create an environment for physical, emotional and spiritual healing.


Cancer Resources Canada

Canadian Cancer Society provides information about cancer prevention, including in relation to the environment, cancer research, other educational materials, and support services throughout Canada.

Canadian Partnership Against Cancer focuses on cancer control through a coordinated approach toward fewer cancer cases and an improved quality of life.


Cancer Resources Europe

Cancer Research UK provides patient information about cancer and related topics.

Cancer World is a magazine published six times annually by the European School of Oncology.

ecancermedicalscience is a free open access cancer journal founded by the European Institute of Oncology.

European Cancer Organisation offers educational resources and tools about cancer, information about cancer conferences in Europe and other parts of the world, as well as links to other cancer websites.

European Cancer Patient Coalition represents the views of cancer patients in the European healthcare debate and provides a forum for European cancer patients to exchange information and share best practice experiences.

European Society for Medical Oncology is the leading European professional medical oncology organization. Their website offers a portal to cancer education, including some of the latest cancer study results presented at conferences.

International Agency for Research on Cancer, a part of the World Health Organization, coordinates and conducts research on the causes of human cancer, the mechanisms of carcinogenesis, and develops scientific strategies for cancer prevention and control.

International Union Against Cancer focuses on global prevention and control of cancer.

Macmillan Cancer Support offers educational information about cancer.

Integrative Cancer Care Clinics & Resources in Europe

CAM-Cancer, the name for the project “Concerted Action for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Assessment in the Cancer Field,” offers educational information about CAM for Cancer and a collaborative network.

Anticancer Fund provides an educational website on evidence-based cancer therapies and funds cancer research.

YES to Life provides resources and direct support related to integrative therapies for people with cancer.

Cancer and Environment Europe

Breast Cancer UK works to influence both public policy and research agendas in the areas of causes, prevention and treatment of breast cancer. Their efforts around the primary prevention of breast cancer, nationally and internationally, are focused on environmental pollutants as one of the underlying causes of the rising incidence of the disease.

The Cancer Prevention & Education Society focuses on reducing the current epidemic levels of cancer by reducing human exposure to carcinogens, particularly those of man-made origin. Unlike other cancer charities, their primary purpose is to prevent people from getting cancer in the first place.

Health and Environment Alliance aims to raise awareness of how environmental protection improves health by creating opportunities for better representation of citizens’ and health experts’ perspectives in the environment and health-related European policy-making.

Pesticide Action Network Europe is the regional centre in Europe from over 600 non-governmental organisations, institutions and individuals in over 60 countries worldwide working to minimise the negative effects and replace the use of harmful pesticides with ecologically sound alternatives. Pesticide Action Network was founded in 1987 and brings together consumer, public health, and environmental organisations, trades unions, women’s groups and farmer associations from across 19 European countries.