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Five Lively Experiences in the last Five Weeks

By Jeannine Walston  |   May - 19 - 2015  |  

The last five weeks include five wonderful experiences related to cancer, health, and healing.

American Association for Cancer Research

Over 30,000 people nationally and internationally learned about recent scientific findings regarding cancer at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) conference in Philadelphia on April 18 to 22. I was honored to attend the conference and training with some leaders in the field through the prominent AACR’s the Scientist <-> Survivor Program. 

Along with many topics, AACR’s conference included a strong emphasis on presentations aboutIMG_2570 Immunotherapy. No doubt, Immunotherapy already has Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for certain types of cancer with positive outcomes for improved quality of life, survival, and even cancer cures. Northwest Biotherapeutics, the biotechnology company that works with the development of personalized dendritic cancer vaccines, presented research results for brain tumors led by UCLA’s Linda Liau, MD, PhD. The Phase III trial nationally and internationally is getting closer to FDA approval.

I also displayed a poster at the conference called Integrative Cancer Care for the Whole Person and Healing Focus®. Conversations with AACR attendees visiting my poster focused on whole person health and healing, personalized medicine, and person-centered care.

17-Year Anniversary from my First Awake Brain Surgery

Jeannine_008On April 22, 1998, I had my first awake brain surgery. Now from age 24 to 41 years old, I continue to glorify in absolute gratitude.

This photo shows my parents, brother John, and myself saying goodbye as I was being moved closer to the operating area the day of my awake brain surgery at the National Institutes of Health.

Now over 17 years later, my appreciation continues with further purpose in this lifetime to serve and awakening into more living, learning, and loving. Every moment becomes more precious in presence.

New Beginnings


Published in April, New Beginnings: The Triumphs of 120 Cancer Survivors by Bill Aronprovidesphotos and stories about cancer survivors with perspectives to live life, address any challenges, and thrive.

This photo and a snapshot of certain aspects of my story are included in New Beginnings.

Thank you, Bill, for your inspiring book offering strength, further tenacity, and more reminders of hope.

UCLA Taste for a Cure

UCLA Taste for the Cure event 5 1 15I attended a wonderful cocktail party and event with fundraising on May 1 at UCLA’s Taste for a Cure 20th Anniversary at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel. The donations raised fund some of the world’s most promising cancer research efforts for UCLA’s Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center.

The experience at Taste for a Cure gave me the opportunity to speak with many people, including conversing with many attendees about my cancer story with brain tumor treatments and especially Immunotherapy dendritic cell vaccines DCVax-L started in clinical trials at UCLA.

Cancer Support Community Presentation


Last Friday on May 15, I delivered a one and a half-hour presentation called Whole Person Health with Integrative Cancer Care at the Cancer Support Community Benjamin Center in Los Angeles.

I shared my story, discussed challenges, solutions with integrative cancer care for the whole person, personalized medicine, Immunotherapy, and other topics. Many people in attendance asked dynamic questions, and I appreciate the opportunity to help others.


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