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New Breast Cancer Research Study Results

By Jeannine Walston  |   Feb - 27 - 2013  |  

New breast cancer research study results are published daily and shared through PubMed plus other BREAST CANCER 3websites. I try to track some new breast cancer research study results and will share only a few here.

“Diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer in women younger than 40 has increased 2% a year, every year, from 1976 to 2009, according to a study published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The increase was seen in women aged 25 to 39 of all races and ethnicities, living in both rural and urban areas. It’s a devastating diagnosis, particularly because a woman younger than 40 who is diagnosed with breast cancer is more likely to have an aggressive form of the disease and face lower survival rates.”
Metastatic breast cancer rising in patients younger than 40

“In this large European study among carriers of BRCA1/2 mutations, exposure to diagnostic radiation before age 30 was associated with an increased risk of breast cancer at dose levels considerably lower than those at which increases have been found in other cohorts exposed to radiation. The results of this study support the use of non-ionising radiation imaging techniques (such as magnetic resonance imaging) as the main tool for surveillance in young women with BRCA1/2 mutations.”
-Exposure to diagnostic radiation and risk of breast cancer among carriers of BRCA1/2 mutations: retrospective cohort study

“BREAST CANCER and VITAMIN D: A recent study links low levels of vitamin D to more aggressive forms of breast cancer. Vitamin D level below 32 ng/mL was associated with a 2- to 3-fold increased risk of having ER-negative or triple negative breast cancer compared to women with normal vitamin D concentrations.”
Association between breast cancer prognostic indicator and serum 25-OH vitamin D levels () shared by Jeanne Wallace, PhD, CNC of Nutritional Solutions. You can also learn about this subject in my article Vitamin D and Cancer.

“Deep in a laboratory freezer, 100,000 vials of blood have been frozen for the better part of five decades. For scientist Barbara Cohn, it’s a treasure trove. Collected from more than 15,000 San Francisco Bay Area women after they gave birth in the 1960s, each vial of blood holds a woman’s lifetime of secrets. Scientists say these vials could help them unravel one of the most enduring medical mysteries: Why do some women, with no family history, develop breast cancer? The blood bears the chemical signature of environmental pollutants, some long banned, that the women were exposed to decades ago. Cohn, director of a Berkeley, Calif., research project, is testing it for traces of dozens of pollutants — used by industry and found in many consumer products — that can impersonate estrogen and other hormones. The theory is that early exposure to these chemicals, even before birth, in the mother’s womb, may fundamentally alter the way that breast tissues grow, triggering cancer decades later. Cancer patients and their doctors have long puzzled over what factors in a woman’s environment may raise her risk of breast cancer. It’s particularly vexing for scientists because it’s difficult to unlock a woman’s lifetime of exposures during her most critical times for breast development: in the womb and during puberty and pregnancy. ‘As researchers looking at adult outcomes of disease processes such as breast cancer, one of the biggest challenges we face is trying to get a handle on prenatal exposures and what is going on in the prenatal environment,’ said Shanna Swan, an environmental health scientist at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York.”
-Breast cancer and the environment: Women’s exposures early in life could unlock mysteries

“WEIGHT TRAINING REDUCES INSULIN RESISTANCE: Want to super-charge the effects of your diet to lessen your markers of insulin resistance? Exercise is the key, as demonstrated in this study of post-menopausal women (ages 50-65) with stage I-IIIB breast cancer and a 15-week physical training program. Compared to controls, those who exercised—2 days/wk walking and 2 days/wk weight training—improved their body weight, waist-hip ratio, blood pressure, fasting glucose, insulin, triglycerides and HDL (good) cholesterol. The training sessions consisted of 35-45 minutes walking and, on alternate days, a high-intensity/high-weight/low-reps weight training sessions. The graph above shows the improvements with exercise ONLY…imagine what you could do combining both exercise and diet.”
Effect of exercise training on metabolic syndrome parameters in postmenopausal women with breast cancer shared by Jeanne Wallace, PhD, CNC of Nutritional Solutions

This provides breast cancer information about only a small amount of published study results. Learn more about using PubMed in my article Locating Cancer Research Studies on PubMed and other Resources. You can also work with me as a Cancer Coach for help with cancer research and your cancer journey.